OpenDolphin-1.3をMacOSX Tiger上で構築する記録です。1台のMac上にサーバも構築してみようと考えています。このブログでは、元町皮ふ科様のサイトを参考に、それを忠実に(?)再現しようとした試みです。 バイブルサイトのURIは、こちらです。



いずれ必要になるApache Antもついでにインストールしておきましょう。

Apache Ant本家サイト

tmiura$ port search ant
oracle-instantclient databases/oracle-instantclient Oracle database connection libraries
apache-ant devel/apache-ant 1.7.1 Java opensource build system
nant devel/nant 0.85 .NET build tool
semantic editors/semantic 1.4.4 Infrastructure for parser based text analysis in Emacs
mergeant gnome/mergeant 0.12.1 A GNOME SQL database admin tool.
Pantomime gnustep/Pantomime 1.2.0pre3 a framework for supporing POP, IMAP3, and SMTP
antigraingeometry graphics/antigraingeometry 2.5 A high quality rendering engine for C++
objectweb-anttasks java/objectweb-anttasks 1.3 ObjectWeb ant tasks
kde-i18n-esperanto kde/kde-i18n-esperanto 3.5.8 KDE esperanto language files.
koffice-i18n-esperanto kde/koffice-i18n-esperanto 1.5.2 KOffice esperanto language files.
antlr lang/antlr 2.7.7 antlr is ANother Tool for Language Recognition
Pantomime-Framework mail/pantomime-framework 1.2.0pre1 a framework for supporing POP, IMAP3, and SMTP
octave-physicalconstants math/octave-physicalconstants 0.1.5 Physical Constants from Atomic & Molecular Physics, taken from NIST database
antinat net/antinat 0.90 A powerful, configurable and flexible SOCKS server
dante net/dante 1.1.19 A circuit-level firewall/proxy
p5-want perl/p5-want 0.12 A generalisation of wantarray
libquantum science/libquantum 0.2.4 library for the simulation of a quantum computer
antiword textproc/antiword 0.37 Utility to read Microsoft Word (.doc) files
enchant textproc/enchant 1.4.2 Spellchecker wrapping library
mod_antispam www/mod_antispam 1.0 mod_antispam is an apache2 module that can control spam access

tmiura$ sudo port install apache-ant


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